Grants we've funded

Our grants provide funding to people, projects and research that aim to improve the capacity and effectiveness of the NSW cancer sector.

Since 2004, the Institute has invested more than $200 million in NSW cancer research.

Grants we've funded

Grants previously or currently funded by the Cancer Institute NSW are detailed below. 

You can also view our grant opportunities that are currently open for application

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In this section

The objective of these grants is to undertake service-centred initiatives that have the potential to be embedded in the health system and remain sustainable past the funding period.
The Tobacco Control Grants specifically target organisations that work with Aboriginal and/or Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities.
The Career Support Program is focused on attracting new cancer researchers to NSW, and supporting existing researchers to become more skilled and internationally competitive.
Grants are provided within the Research Infrastructure Program to ensure the capacity and quality of cancer research continues to expand in NSW.
Funding of translational cancer research ensures the research discoveries are translated into real life public benefit.
Health and community organisations working in cancer control can receive funding to implement initiatives for those at high-risk of cancer.
Provided to organisations working in cancer, health and other related services, to undertake evidence-based projects focusing on community and service-centred initiatives.
Provides an opportunity for Senior Registrars and Fellows in diagnostic radiology to undertake clinical practice improvement through further training and research and contribute to cancer care in NSW.
This grants program provides funding to build and strengthen effective partnerships for registered not-for-profit, government and non-government organisations in NSW to develop culturally safe cancer services for Aboriginal people

