Organise a cervical screening pop-up clinic

Organising a pop-up clinic to run alongside an education session is another opportunity for cervical screening in community.

This activity is suggested to be run alongside an education session so that women can be encouraged to go for a Cervical Screening Test after they understand a bit more about what is involved.

The below steps may help you to organise a cervical screening pop-up clinic.

You can also download a PDF version of the steps to organise an pop-up clinic checklist.

Steps to organising a pop-up clinic

Step 1: Getting started

Check who will be conducting the pop-up clinic (Is it you or a nurse from a local clinic?).

  • Where is the lowest cervical screening participation area in your local region and who can you ask if you can hold your pop-up clinic in this location?
  • Setting up a pop-up clinic near your local school/AMS/other high foot traffic area to capture as many women as possible, such as mothers as they take their children to school or women already visiting the AMS.

Approach the council or owner and seek permission to use their venue for the pop-up clinic.

For example, if it is at the Country Women’s Association hall, suggest writing a letter to the chair.

  • Is the location safe, easily accessible and how will you make the cervical screening testing area private?
  • Is there enough space to allow free movement while offering a Cervical Screening Test?
  • Is there good public transport access/accessible parking?
  • Is it easy to get in and out of the space (entrance/exits clearly marked and well lit, ramps)?
  • Is there access to power and water?
  • Does it meet other relevant public health requirements, such as COVID safety? (For COVID safety, refer to NSW Government’s COVID-19 Safety Plan Template)

Complete Work Health & Safety assessment forms and send to your local Work Health & Safety Committee for approval. This whole process may take 4-6 weeks.

Get your public liability insurance certificate from your workplace in order to hold the pop-up clinic. This may take up to 2 weeks to be provided to you.

  • If you have a Media and Communications team, consider approaching them and ask for the media release template.

Otherwise, develop a media release: 

  • Summarise your key points of what you want people to know about the pop-up clinic.
  • Include your contact details.
  • Request to include the pop-up clinic dates on your organisation’s Facebook page.

Speak with the Health Service Manager and find a GP in town (someone who is well known and respected) to ask if they would mind being interviewed and quoted in a media release.

Find a local champion (e.g. an Aboriginal Health workforce member or well-respected Elder who understands the importance of cervical screening) to assist you with recruiting women and spreading the word to women in their community.

  • Provide promotional flyers to your community pharmacy, hairdressers, local existing community groups. 
  • Promote your pop-clinic through the local Aboriginal radio station such as Koori Radio.
  • Include details about your pop-up clinic in the local community Facebook pages and council website.

If you have a Social Media team, discuss the following with them:

  • Promote your pop-up clinic via social media, get people talking and discussing cervical screening.
  • If you are offering the Institute’s gift bag, make sure to include in your social media post that all women will receive a gift bag on the day (brochures, compact mirrors, lip balms and pens).

Step 2: On the day

Set up signage for the pop-up clinic.

If women meet the eligibility criteria, conduct Cervical Screening Tests.

  • Call the National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR) to check if women are due and obtain history for all women interested in booking an appointment, unless they have brought the reminder letter with them. 


For help with accessing the National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR), an appointment with a NCSR specialist can be booked through the following link: 

  • If a laptop is available, check a woman’s last Cervical Screening Test via the National Cancer Screening Register.
  • Pop-up clinics can either be booked appointments or drop in, needs to be flexible (2–to3 days if needed). 
  • Consider different days and different times so everyone can find something suitable.
  • Offer women the choice of two options to have a Cervical Screening Test:
    1. to have a healthcare provider collect the sample from their cervix;
    2. for the person to collect their own vaginal sample. 
  • Keep a record of number of women who screened on the day (both self-collection and clinician-collected).
  • Either provide a survey or ask women how they heard about the pop-up clinic and their experiences on the day.

Consider providing the Institute’s gift bags for all the women attending their appointments.

Step 3: Evaluate your pop-up clinic

It is important to think about and document what went well and what could be done better next time by using survey tools to seek feedback

Download the organising a cervical screening pop-up clinic checklist >

For further information or advice, please contact Women’s Health Nurse and NSW Aboriginal Cervical Screening Network member, Joanne Phillips on: or 02 6809 8742.

You might like to consider offering a self-collection pop-up clinic as an alternative to a clinician-collected pop-up clinic.

FOR CONSIDERATION: How to organise a self-collection clinic at an event  

  • Decide who will be conducting the self-collection clinic. (It must be a health professional who conducts cervical screening for example a Women’s Health Nurse from a local clinic).

  • Fill in the registration form for the event, nominate that cervical screening will be offered and include a Certificate of Currency for public liability insurance as evidence to allow you to go ahead with the clinic. Note: the Certificate of Currency could take up to 2 weeks to be provided.

  • Make sure women are provided with a swab, instructions and an allocated area to complete a self-collection test which is safe, private and easily accessible. A health professional e.g. a Women’s Health Nurse or doctor must supervise the cervical screening.

  • Women can complete the self-collection test if they consent. With permission and if a laptop is available, check the woman’s screening history on the day through the NCSR. Women will need to provide appropriate identification eg. Medicare card and contact details so that they can be followed up when the test results are received by the nurse or doctor.

  • Provide incentives for women who participate in the self-collection clinic. 

For those women who are unsure about the self-collection test or not sure when they last screened: encourage women to book an appointment at the Women’s Health Nurse clinics and these appointments can occur after the event.