Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement (QI) methods can help practices to find the balance between pro-active and reactive care.

In the busy environment of general practice, staff can sometimes identify areas that need improving, but may not have the time to fix the problem. Quality Improvement (QI) methods can help practices to find the balance between pro-active and reactive care.

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Identify and define problems
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Develop solutions
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Test if solutions work



QI encompasses a combination of factors that can improve processes and systems within your practice, which ultimately improve patient outcomes.



Dr Carloyn Ee discusses quality improvement in general practice


Quality Improvement Practice Incentive Program

The work your practice undertakes as part of this toolkit can contribute to your eligibility for the Practice Incentive Program Quality Improvement Incentive which includes an Improvement Measure for the proportion of female patients who are up-to-date with their cervical screening

Speak to your Primary Health Network (PHN) representative for more information.

QI activities

Utilise the QI activities in each module to assist with ideas for change. See resources and tools.

The templates take a practice capacity approach, with Level 1 activities targeting actions that may involve taking easy foundational steps for change, through to Level 3 that may involve more involved steps for change.

Features of successful quality improvement 

  • Data and systems to provide a solid foundation.
  • Clear goals to measure progress.
  • Commitment to small, gradual changes.
  • Teamwork and collaboration. 
  • Integration into practice operation.

Quadruple aim

QI activities based on the below the four measures contributes to achieving the quadruple aim in healthcare

  1. Patient experience of care.
  2. Improved provider satisfaction.
  3. Quality and population health. 
  4. Sustainable cost.

Quality improvement tools 

This checklist is designed for Primary Health Networks (PHNs), practices and health services as a starting point to assess readiness  for change and to determine if current systems support their focus on QI in cancer screening and prevention activities.  

Download the Primary Care Toolkit: readiness checklist (PDF)

Quick reference guides have been developed to support primary care and assess readiness for QI cancer screening and prevention activities.

Each section of the toolkit has its own Quick Reference Guide: