2021 NSW Premier's Research Awards

Celebrating the best and brightest in NSW cancer research and innovation. Presented online 7 December 2021.

2021 NSW Premier's Research Awards

In 2021, the Cancer Institute NSW presented the annual NSW Premier’s Awards for Outstanding Cancer Research. These awards honour the achievements of the individuals and teams that work across the cancer research sector to lessen the impact of cancer.



In response to the unique challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the NSW Premier’s Awards are announced online on 7 December.


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The following five awards are presented to those outstanding researchers working to lessen the impact of cancer in NSW:

Awards by nomination

Outstanding Cancer Researcher of the Year: Professor Jacob George

This year, we are pleased to recognise Professor Jacob George for a career dedicated to improving liver cancer outcomes across NSW.

Professor George is a renowned liver specialist and research scientist delivering high-impact research on liver cancer, the diseases that lead to it, and clinical cancer care.

The Outstanding Cancer Researcher of the Year Award recognises an individual researcher who has made an active, outstanding, sustained contribution to any field of cancer research in NSW; has a record of substantive and noteworthy publications; and has supported, developed and mentored cancer researchers.

The successful award recipient received a prize of $50,000 to assist their research endeavours, and a commemorative award.

This is an individual award. Nominations may be made by an individual who is or has been affiliated with any institution involved in cancer research or cancer medicine in NSW. Nominees cannot nominate themselves for this award.

Wildfire Highly Cited Publication: Professor Georgina Long

Join us in celebrating Professor Georgina Long, winner of the 2021 NSW Premier's Award for Wildfire Highly Cited Publication.

This year, the publication is: Combination nivolumab and ipilimumab or nivolumab alone in melanoma brain metastases: a multicentre randomised phase 2 study (Lancet Oncol. 2018 May;19(5):672-681).

The Wildfire Highly Cited Publication Award recognises a NSW researcher, or team of researchers, who has made a significant difference to cancer care or research practice. This award will be presented to an individual, or research team, for a highly cited publication.

The recipient's contributions will have had a lasting impact on the cancer field and can demonstrate sustained progress against cancer.

The successful award recipient(s) received a prize of $10,000 to assist their research endeavours, and a commemorative award.

This is an individual award or team award. Nominations may be made by an individual, or research team who is or has been affiliated with any institution involved in cancer research or cancer medicine in NSW. Nominees can nominate themselves or their team for this award. 

Awards by selection

Outstanding Cancer Research Fellow - Early Career Fellow: Associate Professor Emily Blyth

Join us in celebrating Associate Professor Emily Blyth, the winner of the 2021 NSW Premier's Awards for Outstanding Cancer Research Fellow - Early Career Fellow.

Associate Professor Blyth is recognised for her research on cellular therapies for cancer – driving better treatments for people with blood cancers.

The Outstanding Cancer Research Fellow Award is presented to an early career researcher who has demonstrated exceptional research progress over the previous calendar year.

The Outstanding Cancer Research Fellow is assessed by a review of the annual progress reports and final reports as submitted in 2021.

The shortlisted Fellows will be assessed by an independent, external Review Committee of the Cancer Institute NSW.

The successful award recipient received a prize of $10,000 towards their research endeavours, and a commemorative award.

Outstanding Cancer Research Fellow - Career Development Fellow: Associate Professor Ricky O'Brien

Join us in celebrating Associate Professor Ricky O'Brien, winner of the 2021 NSW Premier's Awards for Outstanding Cancer Research Fellow - Career Development Fellow.

This fellowship acknowledges Associate Professor O’Brien’s outstanding work in progressing imaging technologies for cancer.

The Outstanding Cancer Research Fellow Award will be presented to an early career researcher who has demonstrated exceptional research progress over the previous calendar year.

The Outstanding Cancer Research Fellow is assessed by a review of the annual progress reports and final reports as submitted in 2021.

The shortlisted Fellows will be assessed by an independent, external Review Committee of the Cancer Institute NSW.

The successful award recipient received a prize of $10,000 towards their research endeavours, and a commemorative award.

Outstanding Cancer Clinical Trials Unit: Western Sydney Local Health District

The 2021 NSW Premier’s Award for Outstanding Cancer Clinical Trials Unit has been awarded to Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD).

In 2020-2021 WSLHD doubled recruitment to investigator-initiated trials and increased recruitment to commercially sponsored trials, despite the challenges of conducting clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Making NSW a destination of choice for cancer clinical trials is one of the strategies of the NSW Cancer Plan.

The Cancer Institute NSW Clinical Trials Program supports Clinical Trial Units by funding Local Health Districts, Speciality Health Networks and Private Institutions for enrolments to investigator initiated cancer clinical trials and works collaboratively to develop a strategic approach for the selection and implementation of cancer clinical trials relevant to their population.

The best performing Cancer Clinical Trial Unit is selected for this award through the data held in the Cancer Institute NSW Clinical Trials Portal for the period of 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2021.

The successful Clinical Trial Unit received a prize of $10,000 towards the activities of the Cancer Clinical Trials Unit, and a commemorative award.