About this toolkit

Discover the aims and development process of this toolkit, co-created with Aboriginal stakeholders for a culturally-tailored resource.

This toolkit aims to improve the health of Aboriginal communities by increasing the uptake of cancer screening and preventative behaviours. 

It’s designed to help build knowledge, confidence and skills within the Aboriginal health sector to provide communities with education and information about cancer screening and prevention programs.

With this toolkit, we can become more informed as a sector and better equipped to keep our mob healthy.

Empowering the Aboriginal health workforce

People working in Aboriginal health play an important role in engaging the community in healthy living activities and providing information, advice, and care.

A male Aboriginal Health Worker looking up into the sky

This toolkit aims to empower the Aboriginal health workforce by improving access to culturally tailored and strengths-based information.

It also provides resources that can be easily accessed and used in day to day work, such as during client interactions, and at yarning groups or community events.  

Co-created with mob, for mob

This toolkit has been developed in response to feedback from and in collaboration with stakeholders working in Aboriginal health. Their feedback highlighted the need for more holistic, culturally tailored resources focusing on cancer screening and prevention.

Development process

In creating this toolkit, we teamed up with specialist Aboriginal communications and research agencies Cox Inall Ridgeway and 33Creative. This collaboration allowed us to gain valuable insights from those working in Aboriginal health and Aboriginal community members to better understand their needs.  

The content, messaging and design elements have been developed in alignment with the ‘Principles for effective communication about cancer screening and prevention to Aboriginal people’ established by Cox Inall Ridgeway as part of early-stage planning.

Partnerships and contributions

For their contributions to planning and resource development, special thanks to members of the Cancer Institute NSW Aboriginal Cancer Advisory Group (including the Centre for Aboriginal Health, the Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW, Local Health District based Aboriginal Health Units, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, and other Aboriginal health organisations in NSW).

We also extend our gratitude to the Aboriginal community members who provided their crucial input throughout the various stages of consultation.  

Artist acknowledgement 

Dennis Golding

Elements of Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay artist Dennis Golding’s 2016 artwork representing the Cancer Institute NSW’s approach to collaboration in its work to reduce the impact of cancer on Aboriginal communities appear throughout this toolkit.

Carissa Pagliano

Artwork by Wanaruah descendent and artist Carissa Paglino also appears throughout the web-based information and downloadable toolkit resources.

Caring through a cultural and holistic lens

This toolkit was developed with the understanding that there are many parts that contribute to a holistic sense of wellbeing and health for Aboriginal people.

The artwork pictured by Wanaruah descendent and artist Carissa Paglino, highlights the place that a supportive and culturally appropriate environment has in nurturing an individual’s holistic sense of wellbeing and health. The rich tapestry of wellbeing is formed through various connections, including both internal factors and external determinants. 

Cancer screening and prevention programs are one piece of the supportive health environment. 


Holistic sense of wellbeing infographic



Explore the toolkit

How to use this toolkit

Learn how to navigate the toolkit and access the resources that are relevant to your needs. You can also find answers to your FAQs.

Supporting your clients with staying healthy and preventing cancer

Build your knowledge and confidence to yarn about cancer screening and prevention and help make a positive impact in your community.

Supporting your clients social and emotional wellbeing

Learn about what social and emotional wellbeing means for Aboriginal people. Access links to resources to help support your clients.

Resource hub

Access a suite of resources to support your work promoting cancer screening and early detection with your mob.