Your cancer care plan

Know the T.I.P.S.

Know the next step in your treatment and who to contact


What is a treatment plan?

Over the course of your treatment you will see a number of different doctors and other health professionals. A treatment plan:

  • outlines what your current and future treatment is
  • gives you information on who to contact if you have questions about your treatment.

Each stage of your treatment will depend on how your cancer responds to treatment. While it may not be possible to have a long-term treatment plan, it is still essential that you know what your next step in treatment is.

This will help you if you need to make follow up appointments, or if you have any questions about your cancer care as you move through the different stages of your treatment.

Who will your next contact be?

Ask your doctor who you should contact and when, for any questions related to your cancer treatment.
It may not always be a cancer specialist. It could be a nurse, social worker or your GP.

If in doubt always ask your current treating doctor who your next contact is.

Next steps

Ask your doctor who you should contact and when, for any questions related to your cancer treatment.

Do you or someone you care about have cancer?

Visit our patient resource to learn about cancer diagnosis, treatment and possible side effects. You will find practical advice about dealing with cancer and finding support.

We also recommend links to more detailed information.